Friday, January 20, 2012


I’ve been lied to! I’ve been lied to for a very long time. It took me an equally long time to realize I’ve been deceived. Marvel, D.C., Grimm…, shame y’all, and shame on me for being so gullible. It’s a good thing Hollywood set me straight. Phew! It would have been a sad state of affairs had the lie not been made known.

In various fairytales (insert your favorite right here; I actually loathe the “Knight in Shining Armor ones”) or in comic books (I was quite fond of the Batman myself until I realized I’d been duped), the hero of the story wears a uniform which consists of some sort of spandex fabric and a cape. I know there are some that don’t have the cape and perhaps others with some armor or something but since I am neither a 12 year old boy nor a fan of The Big Bang Theory, I am no expert in such matters. However, as insightful black and white Hollywood movies point out, heroes are dressed in trench overcoats and fedora hats. What say you? I am mistaken? I don’t think so!

In a reverse sort of classic movie scene (“of all the joints in all the world, he had to walk into mine”) this plays out. I say “reverse” because it’s typically the dame that’s doing the walking and the gentleman that’s doing the talking. In my story, the dame (yours truly) was minding her own business when he walked in. I’ve recounted this before ( so I won’t repeat myself. I’ve been thinking lately how he has liberated parts of me just like that hero would untie the ropes off the railroad tracks or catch the damsel as she falls off some building. Usually, the “dame” has gotten HERSELF in trouble. I’ll admit, this is the same for me. He doesn’t wear spandex and capes, thankfully. I tell you, THAT would make for a rather interesting blog. He does wear fedoras…and overcoats.

That’s why I say Hollywood got it right. Or maybe it’s the part that real men open doors and say thank you. Perhaps it’s the part that real men let their affections be known, though usually privately. I probably have to take back the “Hollywood” as a whole but maybe keep the Old black and white Hollywood. There are things that are black and white such as decency and honesty; hard work and compassion. It’s exceptionally freeing to be liberated to share and act with someone on these.

So, out of all the joints in all the world, I am thankful he did indeed walk into “mine”.