Thursday, February 9, 2012

Getting it Straight

I shall have a Sophia Petrillo channeling moment – picture this, February 8, 2012. Southeast, United States. It is my birthday. I am opening presents at Triple M’s house (soon to be “our” house). On this day, he has already sent a gorgeous flower arrangement with a little teddy bear hanging from the vase to my job. Totally adorable! I am spoiled, I know. He wanted me to open the presents before we went out for my birthday dinner. I first opened the cards. His parents sent me a card that made me boo hoo in a good way, and then I opened his card. That was followed by hugs for him.

The first present I opened was purportedly from “The Hooligans” I say purportedly because they’ve never, ever purchased a birthday present for me previously and they have no money. It was a beautiful metal picture frame with the word “LOVE” above the actual frame and one of my favorite pictures of Triple M and me in it! This is now safely placed above my credenza at work. Great! Fantastic! The second present was a…flat iron.

Now, don’t go thinking, “A flat iron. What kind of present is a flat iron?” I actually asked for a flat iron. Just the day before, I had forwarded a Groupon offer for a specific flat iron at a great price to Triple M for a “hint, hint”. However, I neglected to specifically specify that I wanted that specific one and only that one. The look on my face was not one of joy or delight, I am sure, and for that, I am sorry.

I inspected the flat iron, as I knew he put a lot of effort into purchasing this for me. He didn’t grow up with sisters and he shaves his head so this flat iron arena is all new for him. I would imagine he has not visited that section of the store in many, many years, if ever. So for that, kudos, Triple M! As I inspected the iron I realized it has the round edging instead of squared!!! Why the excitement? Well, I’d been wanting a 1” curling iron and I knew this would do the trick! I tried it this morning, and VOILA!

I don’t know that there is a great lesson or moral to this story except perhaps to specifically specify what you want and/or need if you want to keep it straight! I’ll keep that in mind in the future…the future that continues…forever!