Monday, December 24, 2012

The Castle

When My Little Chicken was just that (about four years old), he wanted a medieval castle more than anything in the world, including tomatoes. It should almost go without saying, but I’ll say it anyway, since I’ve been known from time to time to state the obvious, that every four year old little boy wanted the particular castle for Christmas, except I didn’t know it at the time. I love My Little Chicken a lot and so there was nothing that I wanted to give him more than that castle.

I’m typically a planner (you can refer to for an example) but somehow, I underestimated what it would take to find one of these castles. Surely, I thought, “how hard could it be”! From about the beginning of November to December 24th I searched high, I searched low, I searched nigh, I searched all…and nothing. Now, this is before the interwebs so shopping online was not possible which is probably a good thing since I would have had to give my right arm to the online bid poster for this castle.

I got tired of driving around various interstates during the winter in the Northeast to find this castle. Oh, did I mention I was six months along with Muscles? Then, I got smart! On Christmas Eve, I began calling all the stores in the immediate proximity of my workplace to see if they had the castle. Voila, I found one and begged the clerk to “hold it for me” promising that I would be there right away. She said she would hold it 15 minutes. I frantically wobbled to my supervisor and asked if I could leave to get this castle (I don’t think I spoke intelligibly but we’d worked together long enough for him to know “how I get” plus, who messes with a pregnant woman, right???).

It was snowing A LOT this day and I remember driving as fast as I could and as cautiously as I could to Caldor’s to get the castle…I arrived just in time to purchase the monstrosity. Now, I’m already short and VERY round. The box was about 3’ x. I don’t really know how I carried it to the car. I was successful and I just knew My Little Chicken would be thrilled with his gift.

My Little Chicken opened his gift on Christmas morning and played with it the whole day…then no more! I was pretty disgusted with him. He wanted that castle more than anything in the world including tomatoes. My Little Chicken LOVES tomatoes. How could he lose interest so quickly?

The answer lies in human nature, I imagine. We seem to constantly be chasing for the bigger, better, newer and not fully satisfied or content with the blessings we have. Now, he was only four and he has grown up to be a wonderful young man since then. But sometimes I think of how I am and how I perhaps haven’t grown up as much as I should and continue (sometimes) chasing after the wind and not appreciating the sacrifice of my Heavenly Father who searches high, searches low, searches nigh; searches for all.

God sent His Son – Christmas reminds us of this. Additionally, He, the Son, after completing His task here on earth, went to prepare a place for us so that where He is, we can also be. He’s prepared the best “castles” ever for us and I don’t think we’ll bore quickly of them. More importantly, though, we should want to be in His presence more than longing for the castle…I guess we should want Him as much as My Little Chicken likes tomatoes :-).