Friday, December 9, 2011


The following is a quote on the awesome turquoise free “business” cards I have – “Everything has beauty; not everyone sees it.” I wonder if we look long enough, intently enough to catch the glimpses of beauty all around us.

I remember when The Original Hooligans and The Hooligans were babies. I would stare into their precious faces and felt that their whole beings were beautiful by design because their Designer made them so. I saw art and uniqueness in their eyes, their little noses (some smaller than others), and the way their brain works. It seemed to me, there would be no time that they would be unlovely to this mom…and there has not been! I still see the art in them and I still believe they were designed specifically to be them.

Why is it that I can see the art in them but question the art and design in me? Oh, I very well know. It’s because instead of looking at the Designer, as I did in my children’s faces, I am looking only at me. I thought about this recently because I am blessed with people that see past the “me” in me but must see me through Him. I can think of no other reason why I should be unconditionally loved. It’s a beautiful thing to feel loved in that way.

Behold!, 1 John 3:1 reminds us that God Himself loves us and sees us this way! “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!” Yet, even though God and His Beauty is all around us, not everyone sees Him.

There’s another lovely passage I like that says, “...Christ is our example. By beholding Him we are to be changed into His image, from glory to glory, from character to character. This is our work. God help us rightly represent the Savior to the world." –1SM 172 (RH Aug. 13, 1901).

Therefore, my challenge is to choose to behold the beauty and art in each other, but most of all, to behold the Artist and Designer. He loves us in such a manner as to bestow the best of a Fantastic Father!

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