Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Not Like You

From time to time, I do something that seems out of character for me. Now, I do many silly, impetuous, and regrettable things. Those may not necessarily be out of character. Those things may just be me being “me”.

I am talking about those things that don’t reflect who I really am. Who am I? At one point, I asked my friends to describe me in a way that would least make me sound like a puppy. They said I tend to give the unexpected and I like to make sure those around me are happy. I am witty in a "Bones" meets "Stephen Colbert" kind of way, and take no "guff" (in a good way). In addition, I like quotation marks, apostrophes, and the words superfluous and ridiculous. I carry a dictionary in my trunk for spelling and grammar emergencies. I’ve used it too! I can go on describing myself, but I am not sure that will help define who I am or what my character is like.

There are moments I am not proud of whom I am or who I am becoming. In a moment like that, I was inspired to write the following in the superfluous pages of my Bible: “I’m glad He’s not like me, but sometimes not so glad that I am not like Him”.

How does it happen that we want to follow, that we strive to be a better person and then BAM! I am confronted with this regularly during interactions with Not My Fault. I am sure you have your own “Not My Fault” in your life. This is the person who is a victim of every circumstance and anything that happens, well, is never their fault. As is the case in the Not My Fault in my life, not only are things not his fault, but regularly “my fault”. Not My Fault tries my every nerve to the point of unrighteous anger. Still, during these moments a part of me knows I cannot let this person’s idiocy control me.  I seldom succeed. In those moments, I am SOOO not like Him and not like me.

Sometimes we may even play “being like Him”. I am not much for pretending. I am not very good at it so I avoid it. Sometimes though exercising our minds to walk in His steps and imagine what He would do is helpful. I was reminded of this by The Babysitter. The Babysitter participates in a Passover/Easter pageant frequently where he plays “Jesus”. I know The Babysitter and I know what he is like. I have no issue with him taking on this role since his heart lives to serve Him.

The Babysitter reminded me of something that happened many years ago. He remembered when the pageant was over and he went to pick up Muscles and Cinci from school. He had already cut his hair and shaved. Then Cinci looked at him and started crying because The Babysitter didn't look like Jesus anymore. Cinci was about five years old at the time.

Isn’t that the reaction of those that love us when we are not “ourselves”, like the person they love and care about? Sadly, I am sure He also weeps when are actions reflect we are not like Him.

I want to be that person. I want to be that person that gives the unexpected and looks to make others happy. I don’t always get it 100% but I am committed to Him enough to try!

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