Thursday, June 9, 2011

Two Mirandas

According to, a guilty pleasure is something one enjoys and considers pleasurable despite feeling guilt for enjoying it. The "guilt" involved is sometimes simply fear of others discovering one's lowbrow or otherwise embarrassing tastes”. I currently have two and they both involve the name “Miranda”.

I have shared about my mind’s eye previously. On most days, it’s very entertaining. However, there are times when its continued rambling thoroughly exhausts me. It just wears me out! When that happens, I begin a quest to find something that entertains my mind’s eye, and trust me, it’s hard to do. I don’t do well with movies – I typically fall asleep. I like crime dramas that are not too scientific and have exceptional dialogue (think Law & Order and Criminal Minds). I also enjoy watching The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. No, I am not adding those as guilty pleasures. They are very informative and a source of stress relief!

In such a quest one day about two weeks ago, I discovered “Sex and the City”. Since I am a nice Christian girl, I think I’m supposed to type that out as “S-E-X and the City”. As a BAdventist girl, am I supposed to type that out as “S-E-X and come out of her my people”? I am not sure. Nonetheless, I paused to watch it when I heard Carrie’s mind’s eye speaking! How great! My mind’s eye can be entertained by some fictional else’s mind’s eye. Win–Win.

As I dissected the roles of the four friends and attempted to figure out who I am most like, I came to the realization I am most like Miranda. Miranda has walls, some seriously un-scalable walls. I get that. When, to paraphrase Taylor Swift (hey, at least it’s not Kasey Chambers), you “brace yourself for the goodbye, ‘cause it’s all you’ve ever known” walls are a staple. Miranda also has a great aptitude for realness in friendship and a drive to be successful. To her surprise, Miranda turned out to be a great mom. She’s made personal moves her mind’s eye never even thought of (think marriage and Brooklyn), and continues to amaze herself. If I were in *** and the City, I would be Miranda.

At about the same time I discovered this show, I was reminiscing about my favorite childhood doll. The two things are not logically related so I won’t attempt to explain how that happened. It was my Baby Come Back doll. This doll walked/waddled, made a turn, and came back! It was my favorite. I had leg braces and had great difficulty walking and scaling walls. I think that’s part of the reason I still have walls. She was my own personal little hero because she could walk. On a tragic and unfortunate afternoon, my clumsy hands dropped Baby Come Back and she fell breaking her kneecapsL. I strolled her for a while and one day **POOF** she died. Well, I imagine my mother threw her away. I was devastated.

Upon discovering eBay and on many occasions in the years following, I tried unsuccessfully to locate a Baby Come Back until about a week ago. I had one of those “what the heck” moments and searched for it once more. THERE IT WAS!!! Baby Come Back up for sale to the highest bidder. Now, you must also realize I am very cheap. No matter how badly I want something, I do allow logic to come play with mind’s eye when it comes to money. I bid $12…and I won. Baby Come Back was shipped and arrived yesterday. I named her Miranda. It’s bittersweet.

I will say this. I may still not be able to scale walls, but I’ve surprised myself in my personal choices. I’ve even let someone over the wall of that “careless man’s careful daughter” and enjoy every minute of it. Additionally, I have great friends. As I reflect, I am sure I have at least a Carrie and a Charlotte. I don’t know about Samantha. Hey, I may be a BAdventist, but that doesn’t mean my friends are also.

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