Monday, June 20, 2011

Tuning In

Growth in relationships takes time. Real relationships take an investment to develop. In my opinion, this is true for friendships, family, work relationships, and in romantic love. As a contributor to each, you have to attune yourself to the needs of the other person. Otherwise, these “relationships” are self-serving with little possibility of a future. I speak in terms of one-on-one since I am not aware of any other way relationships prosper.

I don’t know how it is for you, but it seems for me that the “little things” tend to be more meaningful than the “big things”. I could list a myriad of examples for each, but those would be the “little things” and “big things” in my life. I venture to say they vary in yours. Some of what comprises the little things in my life are an affirmation of my existence by note, call, e-mail or text, a kiss hello, green juice, and letting me in your space.

Again, “my space” (not the social networking site) and “your space” will vary. I am very generous with my space. I like to have people around the majority of the time with the exception of immediately when I get home (bathroom calls first) or in my kitchen. I admit I do much better before 9pm. I will take the early bird special any day. I am sure there will come a day when I shall move to Florida and enjoy that perk! I also don’t mind sharing most things or making changes for the good of all with one major exception – DO NOT TOUCH MY CAR RADIO! Ask The Hooligans. Many a hand has been slapped during the attempt.

Being very cognizant in how I feel about someone messing with my radio, I am careful in my requests for others to change the radio station. However, I plunged recently while in Triple M’s car. He has satellite radio. Oh, satellite radio! It brings back wonderful memories of the first time I ever heard Griffin House and Kasey Chambers. As I’ve mentioned previously, we are going to the beach (the kind that’s surrounded by an ocean) this summer. We will drive several hours with The Hooligans. It’s seriously going to be “a trip”.

I asked if we could find the Coffeehouse station. We searched and behold we found it. I then, *gasp* asked if there was enough room for my station in one of his preset buttons. You must understand that for an INTJ male, this is serious infringement on space. He paused and thought about it. Triple M is typically attuned to my needs and so he “made” room for my station in his car radio. Just one more way he let me know how he feels. He has such a way with the little things. I just keep tuning in for more.

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