Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Silliness, Snuggles, and Sandcastles

If you had told me, back in November 2010 that my life would be the way it is right now, I would have laughed…I would have laughed a lot. I hope that as you told me this nonsense, I was free of any green juice in my mouth because that would have been quite the site…of you with green juice all over your wonderful (possibly holiday) shirt!

The Hooligans and I spent the months of November through January in the midst of Cinci’s various kidney surgeries and recovery. To say that it was heartbreaking for me to watch my youngest child go through so much pain is an understatement. There are no words. Even with that in mind, I am sure Cinci would agree there are no words to describe everything he felt in his own body and soul. In many ways, I thought this might be the end to silliness as we knew it.

Cinci may be described as a very energetic child (think Hammy from Over the Hedge); it is not always in a frantic way, but full of life and passion about … all things Lego and everyone and anyone who encounters him learns this quickly. He is also very affectionate in an in your face, “mommy may I have a hug and snuggle with you while on your lap even though I weigh almost 100 lbs” kind of way. That is not my natural inclination. There were moments when I knew I MUST treasure those snuggles. Snuggles may be short-lived especially from this tween.

As I sat at the beach (the kind surrounded by an ocean) last week watching Cinci build sandcastles, I felt amazingly blessed! I once again realized I have no appropriate words to thank all those who prayed for his healing and strength for me. I truly believe that it was the power of prayer and God’s grace that brought us through. I sat there with some of my favorite people including Señorita, Triple M, and The Hooligans. Had you told me in November this would be the case, I would have laughed or maybe cried incredulously.

I laugh a lot more than I cry these days. I am thankful for Cinci’s ongoing health progress. I am thankful for the consistent and loving friends in my life, and I am thankful for Triple M (his snuggles are appropriately different) who looks for ways to make life easier for us and injects himself into the silliness that is “us”. We continue "building", just not on sand...

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