Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Retro Life

There is always a back-story. There is a back-story for specific happenings in our lives and a back-story to who we are overall. Sharing back-stories could be risky. During the delivery, we tend to inject the “hindsight” or “life lessons” received, when we know very well that is NOT how we felt at the time. That’s fine. That’s called growing, learning.

It was a retro kind of weekend at multiple levels. I will stick with the two main events that caused great nostalgia.

The Prom

For three months now, Triple M and I looked forward to what I dubbed “The Prom”. Before he met me, he purchased tickets to the Glenn Miller Orchestra concert (www.glennmillerorchestra.com). He is a vintage guy at heart and this is his favorite music. No doubt it should be.

I had never been to a prom. When I was 17, I was too busy raising the Original Hooligans and too busy working to support my little family. The Prom was out of reach for a girl like me for many reasons. Who would want to take a girl like me? That and the fact that I had already graduated High School, had my own apartment, and a full time job made it an impossibility. I rationalized that the prom was for children. I had made adult decisions and was no longer a child. However, part of me knew I missed out on something special. The thought of being asked, being taken, being pretty, and being there…

Almost 20 years later I got to go to the prom! I had a dress made for the occasion – an original 1946 Vintage Vogue pattern. It is red and black. My friend Unforgettable came over to help me get ready. She did my hair and makeup. It can’t get more prom-like than that, can it? ♥ I had not seen Unforgettable in about two years. We have been friends going on 15 years. We are the kind of friends that can go a long time without seeing each other and when we do, it’s as if we never parted. She has a gift to make things beautiful. That, she did.

So there we were Triple M and I ready for the prom. Just like real proms, we even had chaperones. We went with his parents and his aunt and uncle. If I had had the choice 20 years ago to pick the perfect boy to take me to the prom, he would have been tall (of course), a good dresser, had a captivating smile, intelligent and a little geeky. I’ve always preferred blue eyes so that would have been a plus. A popular boy, say, a football player surely would have shown them! I imagine that’s the dream of most girls sans the geeky part. This retro night was better, I am sure, than it possibly could have been 20 years ago. I did get to go with the boy of my dreams; except he’s a real man and I do not doubt the trueness of it all.

The List

Sometime in September 2009, I wrote a list of non-negotiables in a future partner. It was broken down by must haves and nice to haves. I kept one copy in my turquoise Bible right next to Psalms 37:4. I encourage you to look it up; it’s heart warming. I kept another copy in my wallet’s change compartment. I have no explanation for the latter. From time to time I like to review my list mostly as affirmation of my blessings J.

I went to look at my list Sunday morning. I reached for my Bible and that copy was not there. I then went to my wallet and that copy was not there either! At first, I was almost distraught. Then I remembered…I remembered how I cried in happiness when I read his blog Friday afternoon (http://ramblingfront.blogspot.com/2011/05/i-like-lemonadeshe-likes-jars.html) and I also remembered something Triple M said Saturday night after we got back from “The Prom”. I can’t share it here. It’s too precious to be outside of just him and me. However, when I remembered this, when I remembered the boy that did take me to the prom and the man he is to me, I realized I have no need for this list. It’s fulfilled.

I was overcome with emotion. I was overcome because for the first time EVER I didn’t question “who would want to take a girl like me?” or “why”. I know why and so does he.

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